Quite often people “lose” one or more of their teeth. In these cases, besides the making of bridges, we have the alternative to use implants.
There are dental cases, where there is one missing tooth, and the use of an implant is preferred, because we do not want to file healthy teeth, in order to make a bridge. In other cases, where there are no teeth left and it is impossible to make a bridge, IMPLANTS ARE THE ONLY SOLUTION for a fixed prosthesis.
Of course we take under consideration a variety of diagnostic issues, so as to determine, where and when implants should be used.
Implants are metallic devices, made by surgical titanium, being used to provide anchors where artificially made teeth will be placed. There are many reliable companies that make implants, and their implants may vary, depending upon the designs, the availability, and the variety of the prosthetic parts.
After opening the mucosa and exposing the bone, a hole is drilled into the bone, in order to create the implant site. The diameter and the depth of the drills (facts that are determined in advance) correspond to the exact diameter and depth of the chosen implant. After the site is opened, the implant is screwed slowly into the opened socket. Finally, with the use of various devices and with additional techniques if needed, we complete by suturing the gums.
The surgeon and the surgical team must be experienced and take under consideration many parameters, as every minor detail is significant.
Immediately after the implant insertion, a temporary restoration is placed over the implant and it is secured in a fixed way. In a later time, after the final mucosa healing is accomplished, new impressions are taken and the final porcelain crown, or multiple crowns, (if more implants were inserted at the same time) are placed over the implant/s.
The type of crowns we decide to place may also vary, depending upon several factors, which are discussed with the patient in advance, for the best decision to be taken.
In most cases, in a total time of two months from the initial implant insertion, the final work is completed with no more than three dental appointments. Patient is covered at all times with the provisional crowns, or bridges.